Moving Point Ministries

Move Forward on Purpose!

cross silhouette on mountain during golden hour
cross silhouette on mountain during golden hour
cross silhouette on mountain during golden hour
cross silhouette on mountain during golden hour

About Moving Point Ministries

A question asks, "When I get where I'm going, where will I be?" Everyone is somewhere. Where were you yesterday? Where do you want to be tomorrow? What are you doing to get there today?

Simply defined, a line is the path of a moving point. Here at Moving Points Ministries, we believe that God, our Creator, intends for us move through life on a path in and under his direction, as revealed in His word, the Bible. We believe that our ability to know and to follow his direction begins with a personal relationship with him through his Son, Jesus Christ. Much like a line results from a directed moving point, we believe that intentionally learning about and following God's , direction consistently (even though not perfectly) results in the thriving and flourishing path of life that He desires for us. (John 10:10)

Moving Point Ministries, therefore exists to provide via various means, counseling, seminars, workshops, etc., developed to help one to recognize and use their God-given gifts and abilities for His glory. We believe that for one who realizes how they have been designed and wired by God their Creator, a purposeful, progressive and productive path through life awaits!

cross silhouette on mountain during golden hour
cross silhouette on mountain during golden hour
silhouette of child sitting behind tree during sunset
silhouette of child sitting behind tree during sunset

We want to develop mature followers of Christ through biblical counseling/discipleship, coaching, seminars, workshops and classes geared to growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ evidenced by our daily walk and lifestyle

Available today: ALWAYS SOMETHING Podcast

(Coming soon):

"GOT A MINUTE?" audio message



CONSIDER THIS: Devotional Thought

We also intend to offer videos, podcasts, printed material, blogs personal interactions to help people grow and move forward in their faith!

Our Programs

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