Moving Point Ministries
Move Forward on Purpose!
About Moving Point Ministries
A question asks, "When I get where I'm going, where will I be?" Everyone is somewhere. Where were you yesterday? Where do you want to be tomorrow? What are you doing to get there today?
Simply defined, a line is the path of a moving point. Here at Moving Points Ministries, we believe that God, our Creator, intends for us move through life on a path in and under his direction, as revealed in His word, the Bible. We believe that our ability to know and to follow his direction begins with a personal relationship with him through his Son, Jesus Christ. Much like a line results from a directed moving point, we believe that intentionally learning about and following God's , direction consistently (even though not perfectly) results in the thriving and flourishing path of life that He desires for us. (John 10:10)
Moving Point Ministries, therefore exists to provide via various means, counseling, seminars, workshops, etc., developed to help one to recognize and use their God-given gifts and abilities for His glory. We believe that for one who realizes how they have been designed and wired by God their Creator, a purposeful, progressive and productive path through life awaits!
We want to develop mature followers of Christ through biblical counseling/discipleship, coaching, seminars, workshops and classes geared to growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ evidenced by our daily walk and lifestyle
Available today: ALWAYS SOMETHING Podcast
(Coming soon):
"GOT A MINUTE?" audio message
CONSIDER THIS: Devotional Thought
We also intend to offer videos, podcasts, printed material, blogs personal interactions to help people grow and move forward in their faith!